" ...Уместно отметить, что испокон веков предпринимательство занимало особое место в истории нашей страны. Можно многое сказать о традициях предприимчивости наших предков, их уважительном и бережном отношении к земле, собственности, ремеслам, деловых качествах людей…».
Ислам Абдуганиевич Каримов,
Первый Президент Республики Узбекистан
[ из выступления на торжественном собрании 7 декабря 2010 г. , посвященное к 18-летию Конституции Республики Узбекистан]
[ 2014 ]
Our company is a Subsidiary of the large Swiss transport and logistic company. We have been working with a friendly team of export-import.uz during the several years and our team is very happy with this cooperation. The team of export-import.uz consists of real foreign affairs professionals who assist us a lot with their valuable advises.
[ 2014 ]
Association for Development of Business Logistics, LLC (ADBL) has successfully cooperated with the export-import.uz project team over the last few years.
The export-import.uz project team consists of professionals in the field of foreign economic activity with extensive practical experience and deep theoretical knowledge....
[ 2014 ]
Exhibition Company «IEG Uzbekistan» expresses its gratitude to the export-import.uz project team for long-term and fruitful cooperation.
Our collaboration with the export-import.uz project team started in 2010 and during all these years, experts of the project have proven to be reliable and experienced professionals.....
[ 2014 ]
We have been fruitfully cooperating for 2 years with Mr. U.Tashpulatov, the founder of the Uzbek international firm and the project team Export-Import-Uzbekistan. As part of our collaboration we carry out analytical work (cross-country studies, international market research, research of industry trends in the international market, price monitoring, research of best practices etc.), provide services for the promotion of enterprises in the international market (elaboration and implementation of marketing campaigns, networking with foreign partners, negotiation of transactions, legal support of international transactions)...