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NEWS:   Production of vitamins in Uzbekistan goes up by 2.5 times .

 26 October 2015

-   Implementation of measures to reformhealth systems in Uzbekistan and to provide the population with quality medicines and medical products contributed to increase the production volumes of the medical industry.

In January-September of the current year,enterprises of medical industry producedindustrial products worth 498.3 billion soums, which amounted to 130.2% to the corresponding period of the previous year.

During the reporting period, the major enterprises of the industry exceeded their volumes of production, including: glass vials- 4.9 times, provitamins, vitamins and their derivatives - 2.5, medicines, not containing hormonesor antibiotics – 1.6.

The largest volume of industrial production account to the share of enterprises of the Tashkent city(56.4% of the total production of the industry), and the regions of Tashkent (21.1%), Namangan(7.3%), Syrdarya (6.8%).

Comprehensive support and stimulation of the activity of small business contributed to the increasein the current year the share of products produced by small businesses in the amount of industry to 65.6%, the growth rate over the 9 months of last year amounted to 156,1%. Currently in the Republic there are 252 companies within the industry, of which 49 newly created in 2015.



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